Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy Surprise

New wine cellar!

What a great surprise waiting for me!

Making flavored olive oil from our originals

Great vacation!  More pictures to come!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Ciao! Ciao!

It's that time,  three weeks before school starts for my little man.  So we are off to Sorrento, Italy.  We have a place there and try to go several times a year.  And I really think it's time.
We finished school shopping, and are craving some family time and it's too hot at the lake in Texas.
Some good practice with the language, and fantastic food, with family.
Some serious Daddy time...

The pool.  I will be here with the IPad researching new recipes to try.

Olive grove

Love my olives and the olive oil that they make from it.  (I can't even to pretend to know how, we just send them off and they press them)

My favorite Limoncello store

So until September.....
I may not blog because I get lost in a special world there.
So be nice to each other.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Waiting for Karma?

As Deepak Chopra writes:  "A very simple way to interpret karma is that it is conditioned response, the past influencing the circumstances of the present as well as our tendencies to act in conditioned patterns of behavior. We become bundles of conditioned reflexes constantly triggered by people and circumstances into predicted outcomes. Hence karma is considered to be a prison, a bondage. The goal of the spiritual journey is to escape the prison of karma and bring about the true response of our soul which is creativity. The more creative and unpredictable our response to the world, the more we are aligned with the creator of the universe. That’s why the freedom that arises from transcending karma is referred to as liberation or moksha. In knowing our true essence beyond time, space, and causality, we become free of the wheel of samsara."

You could say that karma plays like a computer game that continues to direct, limit, and reinforce our choices based on our past decisions. Time plays out like a wheel, going around and around, repeating the same patterns again and again.

Well, it's hard to wait for karma when you keep dealing with the health issues caused by another person.  
I look at this man and he is successful in business and is happily married with children.  When we were together he was struggling to find out his dharma (lifework), and had many demons to heal with mentally.  Now he is a very vocal Christian, and church goer.

From pictures it seems like the perfect family.  He seems untouched by what has gone on and currently going on.  
A dear friend decided to contact him during my last round of treatment and there was no response.  So she did contact his current wife.  She was kind, but seemed to buy his version of events.  Did not comment on the letter of blackmail he sent to my family members.  
My friend was wondering what his reaction would be to my medical condition.  That was her first intention.  After no response, she told a cautionary tale to the current wife about the cancer and blackmail letter.  
No response after that.

Very hard to wait for Karma while trying to battle cancer.